May 23, 2017

Congratulations to our Volunteer of the Year

Written By Resident Joe Krupinski
Loud and clear, the voice of Sam Goldman rings to the distinct rhythm of resolute players in the daily Bingo games at The Regency. The 19-year-old senior at North Shore High School works in tandem with the caller, Danielle or Ilana, at our home where he has become a welcome fixture. For his contribution as an honorary member of the staff, he has been named The Regency’s Volunteer of the Year.
Whatever numbers come up, Sam repeats them in a resonating tone for the benefit of 30 or more dedicated players who rely on him not to miss a single call. Since the game revolves around strict concentration, he is an intricate part of the action.
Before the action even begins, Sam goes around the room helping to hand out the Bingo cards along the way and giving his trademark lucky fist to as many people as he can with “I hope you win, Mary” and “I hope you win, Wally”. His conviviality is contagious, causing the players to take on an air of sportsmanship that is not always present in Bingo games held elsewhere.
At the signal to start, Sam sits down in the calling box and becomes ultra-serious about his job to reach out with his rich voice so that everybody has an equal chance to advance their numbers. Each winner earns a hearty congratulations from Sam that has become his trademark. Even the runners-up are happy with their achievements and feel primed for the next round.
Everybody loves Sam because he sincerely loves all of us who are fortunate enough to come in contact with him. “His attitude is contagious,” says Frances, a resident and Bingo fanatic. “I have never seen him upset or angry. He is just one happy kid and it rubs off on you. He is helpful and eager to please.”
Sam is the middle child with three brothers and one sister. While his siblings have had their aspirations to attend college, Sam is anxious to join the workforce after his graduation next June. He will seek a job with a CVS pharmacy or Starbucks because he’d like to work in a busy place where he can interact with customers and readily advance himself. Sam says, “I would like to be in a position to answer the phone and organize stuff.”
“He is delighted to help out and eager to please,” says Suzanne, The Regency’s past-president of the Residents Council. “It helps me play when he echoes the numbers.” Adds Olga, “He is very sweet and very dependable.” Her tablemate Ruth says, “And he knows everybody’s name by heart.” Ralph, a retired mathematics teacher, says, “He’s amazing. He acts like every day is the best day of his life.”
Nicole Langone, Sam’s school aide, knows him best and agrees with all of the praiseworthy comments by The Regency residents and staff. “He is fantastic,” she says. “He is in this internship program after school. He wants to blaze a trail for other students while working in a pizza parlor, washing dishes and clearing tables from 4-6 p.m. He is caring and loves to talk to customers about their day. He makes my life easier.”
“We are proud to have him as part of our family. And that is why we are proud to name him our Volunteer of the Year.”, Beth Evans, Administrator stated.

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