January 13, 2015

Top Winter Safety Tips for Seniors

During the winter months, ice, snow and cold temperatures can make life
challenging for everyone. Slippery sidewalks and cold weather can cause a wide
range of injuries and illnesses – especially for seniors. Here are some tips for
preventing common winter dangers that seniors may face.

  1. Listen to weather reports regularly and take note of bad weather on the horizon.
    Preparation is the key to a safe winter.
  2. Prepare for power outages. Winter storms can lead to power outages. Make
    sure you have easy access to flashlights and a battery-powered radio so you can
    still listen to the weather news during a storm. Always have extra batteries on
  3. Stock up on fresh water and dried or canned food (make sure you have a
    working can opener). If you have pets, stock up on their food, too.
  4. Have at least a seven-day supply of your medications with you. If you use
    oxygen, have an emergency supply to last three days or more.
  5. If you have a caregiver, make sure there is an emergency plan in place in case
    weather prevents your caregiver from getting to you.
  6. Set up a buddy system with a neighbor who will check in on you in case of a
    storm. Let someone know where you are going and when you will return.
    Always take a fully charged cell phone with you when you are driving.
  7. If you drive, winterize your car by checking antifreeze levels, tire tread and
    pressure, and windshield wipers. Stock your car with basic emergency supplies.
  8. Keep walkways and steps around your home clear of debris to help prevent
    slips and falls.
  9. Use salt and sand on driveways and sidewalks to melt snow/ice and improve
    traction. Make sure to shovel your driveways often or have someone in place
    to do this for you.
  10. Cold temperatures can lead to frostbite and hypothermia. If you must go
    outside in cold weather wear warm socks, a heavy coat, a warm hat, gloves and
    a scarf. In very cold temperatures cover all exposed skin. Use a scarf to cover
    your mouth and protect your lungs.
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