June 23, 2015

Tips to Stay Hydrated this Summer

While it’s always a good idea to stay hydrated it is especially important when the temps of summer start to rise. As we age our body’s ability to conserve water is reduced. So it is especially important for seniors to make that extra effort to monitor their fluid intake. Here are some tips to make it easier

  • Have a glass of water before going outside or walking, especially on hot days
  • Drink a glass of water when you first wake up, before each meal and before going to bed at night
  • Eat your water! Snacking on water-filled foods like watermelon, oranges or celery is an easy and refreshing way to stay hydrated
  • Keep a reusable bottle with you. Having a water bottle with you at all times makes it convenient and is a visual reminder to keep drinking
  • Choose salt wisely. Believe it or not, the type of salt you use makes a difference. Unrefined Sea Salt and Pink Himalayan Salt are rich in trace minerals and lower in sodium than table salt.
  • Avoid caffeine which can act as a diuretic. This includes coffee, tea and soda. Try decaffeinated varieties or sparkling water and flavored seltzers instead.
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